Guru Puja 2024

Video talks by Shri Mataji

Videos about the Guru

Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her at Guru Puja. Please see the selection of videos below to help us in our own preparations for this auspicious event.

By Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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 Excerpts on Void – Part 1 “Your are your own Master” (Subtitles)

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 Excerpts on Void – Part 2 “Your are your own Master” (Subtitles)

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 Full Guru Puja Talk “The State of Guru” (Clear Audio)

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 Full Guru Puja Talk “Creativity” (Clear Audio, English Subtitles)


Guru Puja Talks by Shri Mataji on Amruta website