Shri Kartikeya Puja 2024

"The ​spirit of Kartikeya – that pure, absolute dynamism."


Shri Kartikeya Puja & Seminar

15th & 16th November 2024

Hosted from New Zealand


Houghton’s Bush Camp
75 Motutara Road, Waimauku
(30kms north west of Auckland)
Google map

Invitation to Shri Mataji

To Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

We, Your children of the world, humbly request Your Divine presence at the auspicious occasion of Shri Kartikeya Puja, on Saturday, 16th November 2024.

We gather together as a global collective, with immense gratitude in our hearts, to offer this Puja at Your Holy Lotus feet.

Shri Mataji, please allow us to perform this Puja to You and adorn You with our love and humble offerings.

Mother, we request Shri Ganesha, our older brother to guide us in this Puja and pray for the blessings of all the Deities.

May the spirit of Shri Kartikeya, which is pure and absolute dynamism, permeate throughout Your creation.

Mother, please bless us with Your Divine Presence.

Download Invitation

“The ​spirit of Kartikeya – that pure, absolute dynamism which doesn’t indulge into nonsensical things and useless things; which shows the results.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Invitation to World Collective

The Sahaja Yogis of New Zealand would like extend an invitation to the Sahaj yogis of the world to join us as we offer  Puja to our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji in Her form as Shri Kartikeya. Shri Kartikeya has an traditional auspicious connection with New Zealand. Read more.
Jai Shri Mataji


To help us with preparing for your visit, we request all yogis to register for this event to ensure we have everything in place to make sure your visit is comfortable and enjoyable.
Please Register here.


We would like to invite all artists to offer a performance on this auspicious weekend.
Please submit details about your performance.

Watch Shri Kartikeya Puja

Saturday 16th November 2024
4pm Auckland • 2pm Sydney • 9:30am Delhi • 6am Cabella
Convert to your local time


Song dedicated Shri Kartikeya and more about Shri Kartikeya – See here.

Shri Kartikeya’s connection with New Zealand.

Each year, the Māori (indigenous New Zealanders) celebrate the coming of the new year with the celebration of Matariki. Matariki, meaning ‘the eyes of God’, coincides when a cluster of seven stars – the Pleiade also known as Krittika Nakshatra – appear over New Zealand. Shri Kartikeya derived His name Shri Krittikasunave – son of Krittika from Krittika Nakshatra. Matariki is celebrated annually around June/July. Read more about Matariki.

Matariki cluster