Shri Krishna and Shri Ganesha Pujas 2024

Sahaja Education Forum

Sahaja Education Forum

Friday 30th August 3pm at Nirmal Temple.

Whether you are parents, potential staff and educators, or simply yogis willing to gain a deeper understanding of education in Sahaja Yoga, you are invited to participate in a forum focusing on a variety of aspects of Sahaja Education and Sahaja Schools.


Shri Mataji’s Vision

  • Why is Sahaja Education important?
  • How can we realise Shri Mataji’s Vision?
  • The need to establish a solid foundation.
  • Q & A

Developing a Sahaj Model of Education

  • New Reality of Sahaja Education
  • An insight into life at Sahaj Schools
  • Benefits & challenges experienced by those attending Sahaj Schools.
  • Q & A

Sahaj Schools Presentations