International Navaratri Puja 2024

Prayers & videos

Nine Nights of Worship

Navaratri talks by Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi

Download Navaratri talks by Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi

A collection of Prayers, Praises and Hymns

A collection of Prayers, Praises and Hymns for Worship of Her Supreme Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the Incarnation of the Supreme Goddess
during the Nine Nights of Navaratri

Download Navaratri – A collection of Prayers, Praises and Hymns

Devi Mahatmyam

The Glory of the Goddess from The Mārkandeya Purāna. This is a prayer to be read aloud during Navaratri! It is an epic poem, a true song of praise that should echo through the days of our lives. Translated by Lyndal Vercoe.

Download Devi Mahatmyam

Shri Durga names

This video is an offering of the 108 names of Shri Durga.

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 The authors have added this message that forms part of the video.

To our dear Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi, on the auspicious occasion of Navaratri Puja, we offer this small gift to You, Shri Mataji on behalf of all the children of the UK and Ireland. We hope it is pleasing to You and that You enjoy it.

With love from Aaron, Anjhana, Danisha, Ivan, Ladja, Maya, Oscar, Ravi, Shraddha, Tanisha, Varun and Vibha.

Mahishasur Mardini

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18th Sep 2015, Cabella (Italy) – Singapore collective performed the play of Shri Durga. In this Play The lords Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva emerged rays of light which combined into flame. A light never seen before. A light so bright, that even the sun paled in comparison. Seeing this, the other Gods also joined in and the light shone even brighter.

Out of this beautiful light, was born the ten armed Goddess Durga, the embodiment of Adi Shakti.

Being a woman, there was nothing stopping Goddess Durga from killing Mahishasura, as his boon only protected him from men and Gods. Such was the cunning and smartness of Lord Brahma.


Mahamaya Mahakali (Dharamsala School)

Short musical movie from Sahaja Yoga school in Dharamsala.

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