Diwali Puja Australia 2024

Diwali Puja Australia 2024


Australian Diwali Puja 2024

Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd November 2024

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’s
Hiawatha Ashram Victoria
904 Albert River Road Hiawatha Victoria
(Located 240km Southeast of Melbourne)
(Google map)

Divine Puja to Shri Mataji

Saturday 2nd Nov, 2024, 6pm

Music Program

Saturday 2nd Nov, 2024, 9pm

View webcast of events below

Invitation to Shri Mataji

Dear Holy Mother,

On this occasion of Diwali Puja 2024, the Victorian Collective humbly requests Param Puja, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to allow us the immense privilege to perform Puja to You in Your Divine form of Shri Maha Lakshmi.
May Your primordial Maha Lakshmi power grant us the wealth of pure knowledge, the welfare and prosperity of the world, the power of evolution for our spiritual ascent and emancipation of the entire human race.

Jai Shri Mataji!

Invitation to Sahaja Yogis

The Victorian collective is looking forward once again to welcoming yogis from around Australia, and beyond, to celebrate the National Diwali Puja. We will perform Puja on Saturday evening to enable as many interstate yogis as possible to attend with an entertainment program on Friday evening, a Havan on Saturday morning and lots of opportunity to experience the wonderful natural surroundings.

All the information you need about attending this Auspicious event is below.

We look forward to hosting lots of our brothers and sisters and sharing a wonderful weekend together.
With love, The Victorian Collective

Webcast of Diwali Events

Starting times may vary for each event so please remain in meditation while waiting.

YouTube player

Divine Puja

Sat 2nd Nov 2024, 6pm (Melbourne time)

YouTube player

Music Program

Sat 2nd Nov 2024, 9pm (Melbourne time)

Registration Form

Please confirm your attendance as early as possible by filling in the online registration form to assist us with arranging and preparing accommodation and catering for the Puja weekend.


There are regular Sky buses from Melbourne airport to the city centre and other suburbs from where we can arrange lifts to Hiawatha. If you require transport from Melbourne to Hiawatha, please tick the corresponding boxes in the Registration form.


Please see the Costs page to attend this event.


There is dormitory style sleeping on bunk beds and mattresses in the lodge or tents, and camping is also available. Please bring a sleeping bag, bed-sheet and pillow case, warm clothing and sensible footwear as it can get cold at night and Hiawatha is very rural!

“I bless you all from my heart, all of you, for a very happy and prosperous Diwali.”

YouTube player

“This is the promise of Diwali to you all, that you will reach highest and the noblest way of life. Every word I say will be there to prove what I say is there. Whatever petty problems you have, they’ll all be washed off. All these are the messages from the Divine, you don’t have to worry about petty things, about money, about jobs, that’s not your job. Your destiny will work it out. You have a promise that you’ll be looked after. I hope you believe in that promise and are joyous in the highest way. I bless you all from my heart, all of you, for a very happy and prosperous Diwali.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Diwali Puja. Los Angeles 9th November 2003.

Full Transcript, Video & Audio

Other Information

  • Hiawatha – Getting to Hiawatha Ashram in Victoria.
  • Photos – Hiawatha Ashram
  • Weather – Current and forecast weather in Hiawatha Victoria.
  • Contact us – If you have any questions please contact us.

Devotional – Our spiritual preparation for Diwali Puja

Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her at Diwali Puja. Please see the sections below for videos, audios and booklets to help us in our own preparations for this auspicious event.

Diwali Puja photos • Diwali video talks • Diwali audio talks • Diwali bhajans

Hiawatha Ashram

More Photos – Hiawatha Ashram