International Easter Puja & Seminar 2025
In Australia
Sat 12 April to Sun 20 April 2025
Hosted by the Australian and New Zealand Collectives
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Balmoral Ashram
233 Railway Parade, Balmoral Village, near Sydney
(Balmoral Ashram is located 100kms south west of Sydney)
Getting to Balmoral
Wellness Camp
Saturday 12th April to Thursday 17th April 2025
Music & Academy Classes
Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th April 2025
Easter Puja Weekend
Friday 18th to Sunday 20th April 2025
Live webcasts
Live webcasts and recordings of key events from Balmoral Ashram. Times may vary slightly.
Invitation to Shri Mataji
Dearest Holy Mother, Param Pujya Shri Mataji,
We, the Sahaja Yogis of Australia and New Zealand, humbly request Your holy presence with all the deities at the Australian Easter Puja to be offered to Your lotus feet on Sunday 20th April 2025 at Your Balmoral Ashram in Australia.
Mother, please allow us to worship You in the form of Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary on this most auspicious occasion.
Shri Mataji, through this Puja, please let us become Your divine instruments to spread Your light, the power of forgiveness and thoughtless awareness to all the people of the world. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Lastly, please forgive us if we make any mistakes against Your protocol, knowingly or unknowingly.
Your Children of Australia and New Zealand
Invitation to Sahaja Yogis
Jai Shri Mataji!
Dear brothers and sisters,
We invite you to the Easter Puja 2025 at Balmoral Ashram, near Sydney. A Wellness Camp and an Arts Academy will also be held at Balmoral Ashram in the week leading up to the Puja weekend for those who wish to participate in deeper clearing, balancing and meditation sessions, and / or learning Indian Ragas and Voice, Drawing, or Yuan – Chi Tai -Chi.
We look forward to hosting lots of our brothers and sisters and sharing a wonderful time during Easter. It really is such a precious opportunity for all of us to spend time together.
All the information you need about attending this Auspicious event is below.
With Love from the Australian and New Zealand Collectives.
Easter Puja & Seminar Program
Please register as soon as possible to assist us in our preparations to look after you.
Happy Easter 2025!
Shri Mataji breaking the Easter Egg
Aum Ham Ksham Nayaka
New bhajan dedicated to Shri Jesus
Seminar Forms
Registration Form for everyone • Transport Arrangements & Booking Forms for Interstate and International • WWCC Declaration Form for International • Visa Letter Request Form for International.
All Forms are here
Transport Arrangements
Interstate and International guests, please make your way to Picton Railway Station when you arrive at Sydney Airport. We will transport you from Picton Station to the Puja Seminar venue at Balmoral Village Ashram. For Sydney Yogis we will arrange a lift club system to get all Sydney yogis to Balmoral.
Read more and Transport booking forms.
Covid Safety
By following our current COVID guidelines, we can all enjoy each other’s company at Balmoral, so please come and enjoy!
Read more.
Working With Children Check
In order to attend the Easter Seminar Weekend or Wellness Camp, everyone 18 years and over is required to have an up to date Working With Children Check (WWCC) or equivalent. See our WWCC page.
Please see the Costs page to attend the Easter Puja weekend and optional Wellness and Academy Classes.
Cost page.
Interstate, International and senior yogis will be accommodated in our new work shed. A limited number of bunk beds with be available for senior yogis who require them. NSW yogis are requested to bring their own tents. Read more.
Things to Bring & Weather
Balmoral Village can be very cold in the evenings at Easter so please bring warm clothing and sleeping bags etc. The property covers a large area and has water dams and dense bushland. It can get cold at night and Balmoral is very rural! Children must be in the care and attention of adults at all times. Read more.
As with all collective events, there are many opportunities to be involved in this auspicious event. When registering, we request all able Yogis and Yoginis to volunteer to join one or more of the working/support teams.
Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually for the Seminar. We have videos, audios and booklets to help us in our own preparations for the Easter Puja and Wellness Seminar. Read more.
“He was created as an egg. It is written in this book, which perhaps was written 14,000 years back. It’s a book that predicts about Christ and that is why people in the West, at Easter especially, offer an egg to each other as a friend.”
Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Easter Puja 1982, London
Balmoral Ashram’s Garden
Enjoy Shri Mataji’s creations! Some of Balmoral Ashram’s flowers, shrubs and trees are randomly displayed above each page on this website. See gallery of flowers.