Easter Puja & Seminar 2025

Spiritual preparation

Our spiritual preparation for Easter Puja

Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her as Shri Mary Jesus on Easter Sunday. Please see the sections below for videos, audios and booklets to help us in our own preparations for the Easter Puja and Wellness Seminar.

Easter Puja Videos.
A selection of Easter Puja videos.
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Easter Puja Audio Talks.
Easter Puja Audio Talks.
Shri Mataji’s photos with quotes about Easter and Lord Jesus Christ.

Shri Mataji’s photos with quotes about Easter and Lord Jesus Christ.

Booklet in praise of Lord Jesus Christ.
Shri Jesus – The Light of the World

A booklet in praise of Lord Jesus Christ – contains transcripts, stories, mantras and treatments.

“In order to keep the Agnya Chakra in proper order, one should always read the scriptures and the sacred texts.” (Shri Mataji)

Download Shri Jesus Book (File size 4MB, PDF)