Easter Puja & Seminar 2025

Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions at Balmoral Ashram

Water Safety for Children

Please ensure that the gate leading to the dams is kept closed as our dams are quite full now.  Please use the small gate if you wish to access the dams. Children should not be playing around the dams without supervision by at least two adults on site. It is the responsibility of all Yogis in attendance and especially parents to be aware of any potential safety concerns and keep an eye on the young children at all times.

Other Safety Recommendations

If going for bushwalks, it is recommended that Yogis do not go alone and notify someone at the camp when they expect to return.

Bushwalks with a group of children need to be accompanied by at least two adults. If a bushwalk is arranged, it is recommended that the adults provide a list of all participants to the Security Team Leader and advise when they expect to return. The adults should have the Security Team leader’s phone number in case of any emergency. Bushwalking may encounter snakes,  spiders, dangerous terrain etc. Children need to be briefed on potential dangers and alerted not to leave the group under any circumstances.

Yogis should not use candles and incense near beds or flammable material. Candles/lamps etc. should never be left burning in the night.

Children should not be allowed to ‘play’ with fires or sit near them unattended.