Wellness Camp
Saturday 12th April to Thursday 17th April 2025
We humbly invite all yogis to attend the Easter Wellness Camp.
Shri Mataji, You are Source of all our Wellness. Jai Shri Mataji!
The Wellness Camp will occur in the week after Easter Puja Seminar. Both events will be held at our Balmoral Country Property. The Camp will be blessed again to have our qualified doctor from the Vashi Research and Medical Centre in Mumbai, Dr Nayana Sleeman who comes with enormous depth of knowledge in Sahaj treatments and techniques to cater to the wellness needs of Sahaja Yogis. Sessions are conducted with 3-5 yogis together simultaneously. Yogis are expected to follow the advice from the initial consultation to work on themselves for the remainder of the camp, rather than having daily consultations with the doctor.
The schedule comprises of collective meditations, practice of Sahaj treatments and techniques, collective clearing, daily footsoaking and evening meditations.
Please do not ask the doctors for treatments outside the set times (10 am to 12 pm). The doctors will attempt at most one treatment per yogi, time permitting.
Please see the Registration and Costs pages to attend the Wellness Seminar.
A typical day for the Wellness Camp
7 am Collective Morning Meditation
10 am to 12 pm – Treatments with a doctor
Lunch and rest/walk in natural surroundings
Individual treatments
5 pm Collective Clearing (different treatments)
6 pm Collective Footsoak
Talk of Shri Mataji
Using our vibrations and the elements
Shri Mataji describes the importance of using our vibrations and the elements to clear ourselves and not to intellectualise a cure for our problems.

(Puja to the Devi Talk, Vaitarna – India Tour 21st January 1983)